August 20, 2024   face your pain

Willingness is 90% of healing

Being genuinely willing to believe that something can change, even if you don’t know how, and offering that intention to the Universe, is 90% of healing.

I don’t mean just intending something will change everything. I’m saying that when you’ve gotten to the point where you are able to believe that something really can be different, you are 90% of the way to resolving the pattern.

Because when we’ve struggled with a pattern for a long time, it becomes like furniture in our mind. It’s just a Thing That is There, and to imagine it being different is very difficult. After all, there’s a reason it is there in the first place. And you need to work through that reason to get to a place where you can genuinely imagine yourself free of that pattern.

So you really, really don’t need to know “how” to heal. You just need to keep working through whatever is in the way of you being able to believe you can heal.

Changing your beliefs rearranges the furniture in your mind. So flexibility in changing your beliefs is one of the best skills to develop, IMHO. And it just takes practice! Neuroplasticity FTW!

Just try it:
“I’m willing to believe that ___ can change”.

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