August 19, 2024   face your pain

Things you can make peace with today

  • your feelings
  • your needs
  • your desires
  • how your brain/mind works, your neurodivergence
  • your habitual ways of being that you don’t like but can’t find any motivation to change right now
  • your body
  • your past
  • the image of your parents in your mind
  • everything you haven’t done but feel you ought to have
  • the mistakes you’ve made
  • the things you haven’t said but wish you had
  • the things you said but wish you hadn’t
  • the things you don’t know how to say
  • the anger you don’t know what to do with
  • the parts of you that don’t fit in modern society
  • the parts of you that you can’t understand or don’t particularly like
  • the parts of you that live in the dark murky depths and you like to pretend are not there
  • all those parts in other people
  • the fact that people have left you
  • the fact that you’ve left other people
  • anyone you don’t want to forgive
  • anyone you want to forgive but don’t know how
  • anyone at all, really
  • reality as it currently exists

Peace is magical. When things are allowed to be as they are, they begin to unfold along the natural pathway toward wholeness that exists in all living things.

Wholeness is an inherent property of the Universe. Peace brings you into alignment with  it.

What is peace? It’s just deciding to stop the war.

Stop resisting, stop fighting, stop hating, stop denying.
No fight, no blame.
Just allow, just exist-with, exist-alongside.
Letting it be what it is, letting it exist.
Whatever it is has a wisdom of its own that it might share with you if you sit quietly and let it be.
Just be willing for it to be what it is.
Just be willing to allow it to exist.
And see what happens.

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